Sumo: The Ancient Japanese Martial Art

Sumo: The Ancient Japanese Martial Art

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Sumo is an ancient Japanese martial art that dates back to the 17th century.

O sport consists of two people fighting inside a circle, known as “dohyo”, with the aim of pushing or knocking the opponent out of the circle or making him touch the ground with any part of the body, except the feet.


Sumo is considered one of the most traditional sports in Japan and is highly respected in the country. Sumo fights are held in religious ceremonies, as a way of thanking the gods for a good harvest.

Currently, sumo is a professional activity and is played in tournaments around the world.

Sumo wrestlers are known as “rikishi” and are required to follow a series of traditions and ceremonies, including performing ritualistic dances before each fight.

Fighters are also required to follow a strict diet and live in special communities, known as “heya”, where they train and prepare for fights.

How to practice Sumo?

O juice It is an activity that requires a lot of physical and mental effort. It is necessary to have strength, endurance, agility and technique to become a successful sumo wrestler.

Furthermore, it is important to have a good knowledge of the techniques and strategies of the sport, as well as knowing how to deal with the pressure of the fight.


In short, sumo is an ancient and respected Japanese martial art that involves two people fighting within a circle with the aim of pushing or knocking down the opponent.

It is an activity that requires a lot of physical and mental effort, and is a great way to improve physical fitness, increase self-confidence and learn about Japanese culture and traditions.

If you're looking for a challenging and exciting new activity, sumo is definitely an option to consider.