Beach Tennis: The Explosive Sport that Combines Beach and Tennis and is already a rage“ in Brazil and around the world!


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Imagine combining the energy of tennis with the relaxed atmosphere of the beach. This is the essence of Beach Tennis, a sport that has gained fans all over the world and is rapidly gaining popularity.

With its origins in Italy, Beach Tennis stands out for its unique mix of fun, technique and physical exercise.

In this article, we will explore the history, the main championships, the main athletes, some interesting facts and we will also provide exercise tips to help you become an excellent player.

Origin and Creators:

Beach Tennis originated on the beaches of Italy, more specifically in Ravenna, in the 1980s. Tennis enthusiasts began to adapt the sport to be played on the sand, taking advantage of the characteristics of the beach environment.

The idea was to create a more relaxed and accessible version of tennis, which could be played by people of all ages and skill levels.

The main creators of Beach Tennis were Italians Gianni Bellettini, a tennis player and mechanical engineer, and Paolo Conti, also a tennis enthusiast.

Game rules:

The rules of Beach Tennis are similar to those of traditional tennis, but with some differences to adapt to the sand court and the sport's style of play. Here are the main rules of Beach Tennis:

  1. Court: The Beach Tennis court is 16 meters long by 8 meters wide. The net is located in the center of the court, at a height of 1.70 meters for men's matches and 1.65 meters for women's matches.
  2. Teams: Beach Tennis can be played in men's, women's or mixed doubles. Each team is made up of two players.
  3. Serve: The serve is performed diagonally, from one end of the court to the other side. The server must launch the ball and hit it above the waist line. The serve must go over the net and touch inside the opponent's reception area, which is a strip located before the service line.
  4. Receiving: The player receiving the serve must be positioned behind the service line until the moment of impact with the ball. After cashing out, players can move freely around their game areas.
  5. Touching the Net: It is permitted to touch the net during the game, as long as it does not interfere with the opponent's play.
  6. Ball in Play: After the serve, the ball remains in play until one of the teams commits a foul or the ball touches the ground. Players must alternate touching the ball between team members, and the ball can only be hit once before passing to the opposing side.
  7. Point: A point is scored when the ball touches the ground within the opponent's playing area or when the opponent commits a foul, such as touching the net, touching the ball twice in succession or letting the ball bounce twice on their side of the court .
  8. Scoring System: Beach Tennis generally adopts the “no-ad” scoring system, that is, the first team to win four points wins the game. In case of a 40-40 tie (called “deuce”), the next point gains an advantage (“advantage”) for the team that scores it. If the same team wins the next point, they win the game. If the other team scores the point, it becomes deuce again. A set is usually played in the best of three games.
  9. Let: If the ball touches the net during the serve and lands within the correct reception area, it is considered a “let” and the serve is repeated without penalty.

These are the basic rules of Beach Tennis. It is important to remember that there are variations in the rules depending on the specific competition or association. Therefore, it is always recommended to check the specific rules of the tournament or event you are participating in.

Main Championships:

Since its creation, Beach Tennis has spread throughout the world, and several championships have been established for high-level competitions.

Some of the main championships include the ITF Beach Tennis World Championships, organized by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), which brings together the best players from around the world to compete for the world title.

Other renowned championships are the European Beach Tennis Championships, the Beach Tennis World Cup and the World Team Championship, which bring together players from different countries in exciting disputes.

Top athletes:

Beach Tennis has a constellation of talents that delight fans of the sport. Among the main athletes, the Italian Alessandro Calbucci stands out, known as “Il Gladiatore”, who is considered a Beach Tennis legend, with several world titles under his belt.

Other prominent names include Brazilians Joana Cortez and Vinicius Font, Russians Nikita Burmakin and Elizaveta Khakhaleva, and Spaniards Alejandra Salazar and Pablo Lima. These players are known for their technical ability, physical strength and agility on the court.

Source: Instagram

5 Fun Facts about Beach Tennis:

  1. Rapid Global Growth: Beach Tennis has experienced rapid global growth since the beginning of the 21st century. Today, it is practiced in more than 100 countries, with millions of people enjoying the sport on beaches around the world.
  2. Special Ball: Beach Tennis is played with a special tennis ball, which is softer and less pressurized than conventional tennis balls. This allows for slower, more controlled play on the sand.
  3. Court and Net: The Beach Tennis court has similar dimensions to the beach volleyball court, 16 meters long and 8 meters wide. The net is located at a height of 1.70 meters.
  4. Playing Styles: Beach Tennis allows a variety of playing styles, from more defensive players who prefer to exchange long balls to aggressive players who seek to finish points quickly with volleys and powerful smashes.
  5. Inclusion in Multi-Sport Events: Beach Tennis has also been included in multi-sport events such as the World Beach Games and the World Combat Games, showing its growing global recognition and popularity.

Exercises to Become an Excellent Player:

To become an excellent Beach Tennis player, it is important to develop strength, agility and endurance. Some recommended exercises include:

  1. Aerobic endurance training, such as running on the beach, to increase your cardiovascular capacity.
  2. Strength training, focused on exercises for the upper and lower limbs, such as squats, push-ups and weight lifting.
  3. Agility training, involving jumping exercises, lateral running and quick changes of direction.
  4. Balance and coordination training, using balance boards and specific exercises to improve your stability on the sand.
  5. Sport-specific practice, playing regularly and performing training drills that aim to improve your technical skills, such as volleys, smashes and groundstrokes.


O beach tennis it is a sport exciting game that combines beach fun with tennis technique. Its rapid global expansion, the main championships and the talented athletes involved demonstrate how much the sport is appreciated and practiced around the world.

In Brazil alone, until April 2023, there were more than 1 million active sports players and 30,000 beach courts spread across the country.

With the interesting facts presented and the recommended exercises, you are ready to dive into this explosive sports universe. So, grab your racket, invite your friends and have fun playing Beach Tennis on the sunniest and most vibrant beaches in the world.

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