4 reasons why Brazil doesn't win the hexa
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4 reasons why Brazil doesn't win the hexa

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O Brazil He was eliminated from the World Cup in the quarter-finals by the Croatian team and left millions of Brazilians sad after the sixth star's dream ended.

With the elimination, much was said about why the Canarian team ended up losing the chance to win the hexa.

After all, what led to the team led by Neymar being eliminated so early and failing to play an epic semi-final against Argentina?

Here in the text, we will talk about the reasons for yet another elimination of Brazil in the quarterfinals for a European team!

1- Problems with the call

Tite's problems began from the day the coach made the official call-up for the World Cup.

This was the first time that FIFA allowed teams to call up 26 players, a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With 3 more options of athletes available to take, Tite decided to choose 9 attackers, a very high number.

In this way, other positions ended up being neglected, which was the case with midfield.

The socks of Brazil They were unable to develop good football and with Neymar out for two matches, the team suffered from a lack of creativity.

In the game against Croatia, there was a lack of options for the team to break through the barrier set up by the Croatians and there was no one who could help Neymar in creating the plays (or who could shadow him).

Tite also preferred to take more midfielders with defensive characteristics, which undermined the creativity of the team. Brazil.

Furthermore, the defense was also unguarded, even more so when Eder Militão had to be improvised on the right flank, leaving only one reserve defender available, who was Bremer.

Finally, the issue of the sides is a weak point for the team since the departure of Cafu and Roberto Carlos.

Daniel Alves and Marcelo, who came later, were stars at their clubs, but did not repeat the same feats at Canarinho.

For the Qatar Cup, Tite chose to take Alves, aged 39, and did not take into account the possible injuries of the other three full-backs: Alex Sandro, Danilo and Alex Telles.

Result, the Brazil he played with Militão improvised on the right and Danilo on the left, in the game against Croatia, and the coach even removed the right back, who was doing well in the match, to replace Danilo. The ending, we all know…

2- Tite insisted on what didn’t work before

Still on the subject of calling up the national team, Tite became known for being a “paneleiro”, that is, taking players with whom he is friends, who he likes, no matter how they are physically or whether they function wearing the Canarinho shirt.

Taking Daniel Alves and Fred are two examples of this, in addition to the insistence by Gabriel Jesus, who is playing a lot for Arsenal, but does not correspond to the Brazilian team.

The same thing goes for keeping Raphinha as a starter, even with the striker playing poorly since the first match.

To give you an idea, Scaloni removed Lautaro Martinez, one of the main names in the current team, but who was doing poorly in the World Cup, to replace the boy Julian Alvarez and the change worked.

If Tite were less stubborn and made necessary changes to players who were not performing, the outcome could be different.

Antony came in for Raphinha and did much more in the time he was on the field, so why didn't the coach make this change before the game, knowing that the number 11 was not doing well?

3- Used South American football as a parameter

O Brazil “reigns” in South America for a few years now and despite doing poorly in some Copa América, it is clear that there is no opponent for the team on the continent, other than Argentina, who were the world champions.

Therefore, every World Cup cycle is the same thing, the team dominates the qualifiers, qualifies in advance and the fans arrive with confidence.

On top of that, they still tend to face weak opponents from other continents, countries with no football tradition, in what seems to be a way of “hiding” their problems until the World Cup.

It's true that no team, from any continent, can face Europeans several times in friendlies after the creation of the Nations League.

However, the CBF could look for opponents who offered a greater challenge for the team.

In this way, the Brazil usually arrives with a lot of morale in the cups, as if South American football with its qualifiers and friendlies against weak teams were a parameter.

4- The selection had no tactical variation

Over the last six years, since Tite took over the national team, we have heard a lot about “Titês”, expressions created by the coach, such as the famous “Rec 5”.

Apparently, all of this is nothing more than subterfuge created by the commission to hide the reality: the selection had no tactical variation.

Tite's team only played one way and when he changed the team, it was to change “6 for half a dozen,” in other words, nothing changed.

Therefore, when times of need appeared, the Brazil I didn't know how to play in a different way and the Croatian team easily canceled our game.

All because it was easy to understand the way the team played every game and it didn't take much to cancel out the game.

Imagine if the Brazil Had you faced Argentina and France like that? Perhaps the shameful elimination to Croatia was “better” than reaching the semi-final and final.


As seen, millions of Brazilians believed in hexa before and during the World Cup, but the dream went down the drain in the quarterfinals, when we were eliminated by Croatia on penalties, without being able to do anything with the ball rolling. 

Here you can understand what were the main reasons that led to the Brazil to early elimination in the World Cup, causing yet another embarrassment for the Canarian team in the tournament against a European team.

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