5 quirks of a purple Corinthian
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5 quirks of a purple Corinthian

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The fan of Corinthians is one of the most fanatical in Brazil, there is no doubt about that, and what helps to show this passion is seeing that the team is the 2nd with the biggest fans in the country, everywhere in the country.

A purple Corinthians player is capable of doing many things for the team he loves and there are some quirks that are well known to everyone who is part of this great “nation of crazy people”.

Purple Corinthians, for example, do not use any piece or accessory that is green, as it refers to the color of their biggest rival, Palmeiras.

Furthermore, a fanatical Corinthians fan never misses a game for his team and is even capable of missing work to get to the stadium on time and not miss a minute of the match.

If you really want to know what the 5 quirks of a purple Corinthians player are, then be sure to follow this text until the end!

1- Corinthians do not use green

Corinthians or Corinthians?

If one day you meet someone who says he is a purple Corinthians fan wearing a green item, be it clothing or accessory, then know that he is not a Timão fanatic.

This is because a fanatical Corinthians fan hates anything that resembles the colors of his biggest rival, and this has already caused a lot of problems, even for athletes.

Who doesn't remember the problem that striker Jô had last season when he wore green boots? 

Or the shirt with green FIFA detail that the Corinthians asked not to use it in 2012, at the World Cup, but the entity didn't allow it?

Goalkeeper Cássio himself, when called up to the national team, wore a dark coat in training so as not to wear the green goalkeeper shirt.

A sponsor already had to change its colors to be accepted on Timão's shirt in 2008, which is a very emblematic case.

The Ronaldo Arena is another example of how the Corinthians player takes this seriously, after all, it is all black and white, including the pitch. 

Do you think this is something extreme? Not for purple Corinthians, as there is nothing worse than using anything that reminds them of their rival from Palestine.

2- Purple Corinthian does not lose game

The fanatical Corinthians fan never misses a game for his favorite team and that means leaving anything aside to watch Timão play.

How many news stories have you read to date about Corinthians fans who postponed or delayed a wedding, missed work or even missed the birth of their child to watch Coringão play any day of the week?

Know that this is something very common for those who love Corinthians and it is not an isolated fact, on the contrary, the more you look, the more there will be situations of this type.

The purple Corinthians player will play any game to watch the love of his life play, it doesn't matter if the game is at 10 pm or 11 am, in the sun of Rio de Janeiro!

3- A purple Corinthians fan collects all of Timão’s shirts

Another well-known habit of any Corinthians fan is collecting Timão's shirts, including those from teams from when he was not even born.

Any purple Corinthians fan you know will have in their wardrobe the title shirt against Ponte Preta, with Basílio's goal that ended the 23-year drought without a trophy.

It will have the shirts from Brazil's two-time championship in 98 and 99, in addition to the one used in the 2000 World Cup and the 2012 title against Chelsea.

Thus, it is a known habit for any purple Corinthians fan to have the most striking Timão shirts, but also those that are released annually and commemorative ones, such as the famous purple shirt, which is extremely beautiful.

4- A purple Corinthians fan never misses news about the team

Corinthian Supporter's Day - April 23 - Corinthian Supporter's Day - April

Another passion that any Corinthians fan has is following Timão's day-to-day life, no matter where he is.

A fanatical fan of Corinthians He is always up to date on the club's, players' and management's social networks, to find out about any news about the club first-hand.

In addition, he is also aware of all football news sites, to understand any movement that occurs regarding the team and even regarding rivals.

A purple Corinthian, therefore, is someone who lives the Corinthians on a daily basis and that is why following everything about the club is practically mandatory for these people.

5- A fanatical Corinthians fan doesn’t miss the chance to mock his rivals

In addition to being a fanatic about Corinthians, anyone who is a fanatical Corinthians fan is also purple for making fun of their rivals, especially those from Palmeiras.

Any Corinthians fan asks, at least once a week, the key question to a Palmeiras fan: does Palmeiras have a World Cup?

It is also common to make fun of their rivals not having a Copinha title (the Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior), which the Corinthians have already won countless times.

In relation to São Paulo, the lack of titles has been a frequent joke over the last few years, as well as the lack of a Copa do Brasil title that the Morumbi team has.

Being a purple Corinthian also means loving to make fun of your rivals frequently, being an important part of supporting Timão.


As you have seen, being a purple Corinthian is a source of pride for anyone, after all, Timão is one of the biggest teams not only in Brazil, but also in the world, having even won 2 world titles.

In this text, you can see a little more about what are the main obsessions of any fanatical Corinthians fan, which are present in these people's daily lives.

Here you saw how a fanatical Corinthians fan doesn't wear anything green, how he is able to skip work and school to watch Timão play, and he still has all of the team's most historic shirts.

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